Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tracting at Walmart.

So as I said in my previous post that I joined in Pastor Steve Sanchez's Everyday Club. Here's how my first day went. Well yesterday night Dad and I decided to go out and tract Walmart. We decided that we would hand million dollar bills to people coming in and out of Walmart. I got a couple of interesting comments to the million dollar bills.

I asked one lady.. "Did you get one of these?"

She looks at me and says "Oh." with a big smile on her face. "Is that Way of the Master, Ray Comfort million dollar bills?"

I said "Yes."

She said "I use them all the time. Keep it up!"

I said "Thanks" and she ran into the store.

I also had another lady that I handed a million dollar bill and she was pushing a shopping cart away.. Then she stopped she turned it over and started reading it. She was standing there for a while. She came back a little later asking for another one and began reading it to herself again. That was so cool.

I also had given one lady a tract before she went to the store. Some time had passed and I was about to hand the same lady another tract thinking she was a different person coming out of the store.

She said to me "I tried to cash it. It didn't work." with a smile and a chuckle. Then she said. "But I'll take another one too."

Another lady said "That it was Happy Friday" when I handed her a tract.

I also had my rejections too. One of the men I tried handing it to told me in a very thick accent. "No Good. No Good." I thought that was interesting.

Other times I tried handing people tracts and they said "No thank you." When I told them that it was free they immediately changed their mind and took it.

All in all it was a good first day for me in my pursuit to hand out 2 tracts a day or have a conversation with someone. Last night in about 30 minutes I handed out 34 tracts. Praise God. I can't wait to see what happens today. :)

1 comment:

Renee said...

Wow, that's great! I love to hand out at the grocery store as well. It's a great place. Keep pressing on!