Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whatever You Want

Whatever you want Lord
To use me for
Please do
Do it all for your glory

May I bring you honor and praise
Forever and ever
For all of my days

Please use me Lord
I want to be used by you
I'll do anything
That you ask me to do
Just please show me
What it is supposed to be

Help me minister and bless other families
And show them Gods love
Like I have been shown
An agape love
An unconditional one

Father above
Please show me
Whatever you need
And whatever you want
That I will be.
For your honor, praise and glory.

Whatever You Want

by Michelle Miano

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Praying for You

Praying for the day
When you my friend will be saved
Eternity may just be a breath away
There's not a moment to waste
Nor a minute to wait

Come to terms with reality
And see how such a sinner you have been
In the light of God's law
Lying, Stealing, Blasphemy, Lusting
Your hearts deceitfully wicked
No one is good not one

That is why Jesus, God's Son
Had to come
To die on the cross
For Us!!!

But rejoice for death did not conquer
Jesus was raised on the the third day
And Praise God He's Alive Today!

by Michelle Miano

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spending Time With The Father Above

Everything I love
Can never compare
To the gracious God who hears my prayers

Why is it that I
Don't care enough
To spend time
With the One who
Is ALWAYS there for me
I bemoan the days that are so lonely
But I finally realize it doesn't have to be
Because God is the only friend that I really need.

If I only spent time daily with
My Father Above....

by Michelle Miano

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Genesis 4

The first murder is recorded- Cain kills his brother Abel (v.8)

Sin overpowered Cain even though God said you must rule over it. (v.7)

Am I my brother's keeper?- Cain lied to God. (v.9)

Even though he lied, God still knew what had happened. You can't hide anything from God. (v.10)

The first time people began to call upon the name of the Lord was during the time of Enosh, Seth's son. (v.26)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Proverbs 31:30 continued and Genesis 3

So I decided to look into Proverbs 31:30 some more and the John MacArthur commentary says "True holiness and virtue command permanent respect and affection, for more than charm and beauty of face and form" cf 1 Tim 2:9-10 and 1 Peter 3:!6. In reference a gentle and quiet spirit is beauty that never decays. Gentle is actually meek or humble and quiet is the character of her action and reaction to her husband and life in general.

Yesterday I was wondering about Genesis 2 and about verse 24 about the man leaving mother and father and clinging to his wife and my question about the wife holding fast to the husband. I did further research by talking to my dad and he told me the emphasis is placed on the man but that it is implied for the woman as well. In Jewish culture then the husband and the wife usually lived with the wife's family.

I read Genesis 3 as well.

The first time that a man became afraid was Adam after he ate the fruit that he wasn't supposed to eat (v.10). Just think if he hadn't eaten the fruit how much different would be now. I can only imagine....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Proverbs 31:30 and Genesis 2

I'm sure you're wondering what this verse in Proverbs and Genesis 2 have in connection with each other. Well they don't.

Proverbs 31:30 has been the verse that has been on my mind today. It says "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." A couple of my coworkers have talked to me how I would probably look my age and prettier/beautiful if I changed my hairstyle and wore a little bit of makeup. I wonder how true that is but then I think of this verse and I'm thinking it shouldn't matter what my outside appearance looks like rather the inside is what counts. I pray that God would show me what is okay to do.

Read Genesis 2 today.

A question I have is: Does the garden of Eden still exist to this day and if so where? I think it would be neat to see it. The other thing it mentioned was in verse 24 it says a man shall leave his mother and father and hold fast to his wife but we don't see the woman leaving her mother and father and holding fast to her husband. I wonder why that is?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Genesis 1

In Genesis 1 the verse that stood out to me the most was verse 27.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

We were created in God's image. What a wonderful gift that we are given. To look like God. That we were made in His image, we should truly try to be like Christ, in thought, word, and deed.